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Our History


The Church of God in Jesus Christ was established in 1951 and founded by its first Pastor,

Adelaide Hairston.  Located in the small coal-mining town of Berwind, West Virginia, the initial

congregation assembled at the homes of its members to fellowship and hear the Word of God.


In 1954, a large number of members relocated to Southern California.  Thus, the church opened

its doors in the city of Pacoima, a small community in the San Fernando Valley.  On May 5, 1964 ,

the Church  of God in Jesus Christ was officially incorporated.  Our Mission, as stated in Article II

of the Articles of Incorporation is " conduct a church program designed to lead men, women

and children to Christ and  for the worship of God and His Son, Jesus Christ."


Come join us in fellowship and worship at our current location in Sylmar, California as we thank God

for His mercy that endures forever.  In addition, no matter where we are physically located, our

spiritual mandate has been and will remain unaltered:  the saving of the soul.  "For God so loved

the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but

have everlasting life" (John 3:16).



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